Employees thrive on company culture. Company culture defines the way in which business interacts with one another and how the team interacts with the outside world, specifically customers.

A report by Deloitte in 2012 revealed that 94% of executives and 88% of employees believed a distinct workplace culture is important to their business’ success and 83% of executives and 84% of employees thought that having engaged and motivated employees was the top factor that substantially contributes to the company’s success.

Company culture is a system of meanings, values, beliefs mainstream, awareness and ways of thinking are all members of the companies agree. It can affect the way the actions of the members. But how do you achieve a great company culture? Here are a few tips to get started.

1. Attitude

Whether employees age or seniority how the most important thing is the attitude of the person. Attitude will know the individuals that fit the company culture and integrate into the organization or not. One bad hire can have a huge effect on team’s morale, productivity and ultimately bottom line.

2. Create an Enjoyable Atmosphere

Don’t need to be the next Google with slides, sleep pods, free food and massages. Small gestures can make big differences. Also do not need to care of furniture, Office equipment when that company yet budget allows. Because all that stuff is just extra elements.

The construction of the work environment is the first professional in the way of life, way of living and the way of communication between people. Just keep the Office clean, neat is initially created the professional environment. If the company was strong enough, the focus on this issue.

3. Empower Your Employees

It’s great to have processes and procedures, but sometimes it’s also a good idea to give your employees a chance to use their initiative. Trusting an employee to make decisions can be a big leap of faith, but it can also make that employee feel empowered and own their work.

 4. Surprise Your Employees

This may be a factor that rare company that focused, because they believe no work with style. However, this can be said is how to run "just work and play". Why only organized teambuilding holidays? The great thing about surprises is that they’re not expected regularly! Whether it’s a surprise afternoon activity, a free lunch, even a free coffee in the morning, think about the small ways your can show your team that you appreciate them.

5. Create Fun Challenges

Recent challenges in the Small Business BC office, have been the Ice Bucket Challenge, 30 day fitness challenge, ugly Christmas sweater contest and a ping pong tournament. Fun challenges create a change in conversation and an excuse to take a break from talking and thinking about all things work.

6. Teambuilding

Of course, the culture of the company is not able to speak to the team building activities. Today, even small scale companies or super small also applied this method. This can be said as the guideline in the connection between the members of the organization. It could be the camp, skiing, swimming, hiking, going to museums or even some related activities volunteered. This helps staff to "renew" the focus as well as improve productivity.

7. Provide Opportunities for Continuous Learning

Learning does not need to be in a classroom environment. Think of creative ways for employees to share their knowledge. For example, create a library of books or encourage job shadowing shadow each other. These small things will create conversations and improve awareness of what else is happening in the business.

Creating a unique culture doesn’t have to cost thousands, and can really affect how a team interacts with each other, building stronger relationships, and a stronger business. Peter F. Drucker once said: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. This is a sentence that contains many metaphors, imply clearly respect the importance of company culture. Today this factor, not only is the outside jacket to adorn the image which is also used as a tool for business management.

Source Smallbusinessbc

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